Toronto Chamber Choir Blog

February 29, 2024
Author: Judith Nancekivell

Why Lucas Harris is a fan of convented composers

Toronto Chamber Choir presents The Muse of Novarra: A Portrait of Isabella Leonarda on Saturday, March 9, 7:30 p.m. at Calvin Presbyterian Church, 26 Delisle Ave. TCC alto Judith Nancekivell spoke with TCC artistic director Lucas Harris about the project.

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October 16, 2023
Author: David W. Barber

A bit more about Byrd

TCC tenor David Barber is the author of several humorous books of classical music history, including Bach, Beethoven and the Boys: Music History As It Ought To Be Taught, which includes this chapter on William Byrd. The illustration of Elizabeth I is also from this book, by cartoonist Dave Donald.

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October 2, 2023
Author: Judith Nancekivell

William Byrd Has Advice for Singers

2023 marks the 400th anniversary of the death of England’s greatest Renaissance composer, William Byrd (ca. 1540-1623). In this blog post, TCC alto Judith Nancekivell reminds us of Byrd’s wise words about singing.

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February 24, 2023
Author: Dr. Tom Mawhinney

Golden Voices to shine in concert

As we mark Black History Month, TCC tenor David Barber introduces Dr. Tom Mawhinney, a longtime friend from his choral days in Kingston.

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February 15, 2022
Author: Julie Goldstein

Discovering Vicente Lusitano

Black History Month provides the perfect opportunity for a brief profile of Europe’s first published Black composer and theorist

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January 29, 2022
Author: Peter Thompson

Book Review: The Corner That Held Them

The Corner That Held Them -- Imagining the forgotten ones in the 14th century

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December 23, 2021
Author: Lucas Harris

A Christmas video from the TCC!

J.S. Bach, Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier

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October 8, 2021
Author: Mairi Cowan

Inspiring the music that inspires us

A new way to think of inspiring music that connects historical sources to the music we sing

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August 22, 2021
Author: Natalie Clark

Embracing New Possibilities

When the 4,887 km commute from the Arctic disappeared, a new world of possibilities for music began

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July 18, 2021
Author: David W. Barber

Numerology and Other Symbolism in Bach’s Mass in B Minor

Talk given to the Choral Arts Society of Washington before a performance of Bach’s Mass in B Minor, conducted by music director Norman Scribner at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC, in 2001

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