Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement

Equity, diversity, and inclusion are fundamental values of the Toronto Chamber Choir. Our commitment to equity is built upon ideas and practices that acknowledge historic and ongoing inequalities while striving for an equitable culture of fairness and transparency among our members, our performers, our musical partners, our audiences, our volunteers, and our board.

We affirm the enriching value of diversity in musical composition and performance. Diversity for us includes all races, ethnicities, national origins, genders, sexualities, religions, abilities, ages, and economic statuses.

Meaningful movement towards greater equity and diversity requires the ongoing work of inclusion. We are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and disrespectful behaviour. We especially welcome and celebrate contributions from those who have traditionally been underrepresented in the world of early European music, including those who are Indigenous, racialized persons, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ persons, and others who contribute to the ongoing diversification of perspectives.

© 2025 TCC   |   Toronto Chamber Choir | Charitable Registration Number: 11926 6005 RR0001