Past Concerts

2022–23: A Season of Musical Vision

In the late 1960s, the TCC’s founder, Annegret Wright, had the musical vision to form a new choir that would sing early music with a particular speciality in interpreting music of the German Baroque. The TCC’s first audiences were treated to performances of not only the music of J.S. Bach but also that of seventeenth-century German masters upon whose shoulders Bach stood. This season we’ll focus on three of these composers and their brilliant visions of how elements of the new Italian style could be used in composing music that nonetheless sounds unmistakably German. We’ll top off this German seventeenth-century intensive with a program featuring musicians who would not allow their physical blindness to obscure their musical vision.

"Music in Flight"

“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything.” – Attributed to Plato.

Join the TCC as we soar on the wings of early music in 2023–24! In October, we lift up England’s most brilliant Renaissance composer in his anniversary year. In December, we take some brilliant young singers from the Bach Children’s Chorus under our wing as we consider the Holy Family as refugees in flight. In March, we will be uplifted by angelic music from an Italian convent. We complete our season in May gliding through the centuries on the words of Shakespeare. And, at our spring fundraiser, we’ll give in to our “impulse to soar” in continuing our research into blind composers.

Spring fundraiser: An Impulse to Soar

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 — Doors open at 7 pm, music at 7:30 pm @ Heliconian Hall

“One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” – Helen Keller

In May 2023, the TCC presented its program "Musical Vision" about blind musicians and composers who did not let their visual handicap prevent them from composing and performing great music. Such was the richness of material found on this topic that more of it will be presented in our 2024 fundraiser to support the Toronto Chamber Consort section lead program. Our intimate song evening will feature German lute songs, Austrian lieder, lute solos from Italy and Spain, and even modinhas played on the streets of 19th century Rio de Janiero by the mixed-race Brazilian Joaquim Manoel da Câmara.


The Bard, Reimagined (Kaffeemusik)
Sunday, May 5, 2024, 3:30 pm @ Church of the Redeemer

The TCC explores music inspired by the plays and sonnets of William Shakespeare. The program will begin with composers from Shakespeare’s time and then progress through history to the present day. Along the way, we’ll see how his stories were refashioned through different styles of vocal music. Among the diverse voices we’ll hear is that of the eighteenth-century abolitionist writer Ignatius Sancho. We’ll also create space to reframe The Tempest from a contemporary Indigenous perspective.

"The Muse of Novara" (concert)
Saturday, March 9, 2024, 7:30 pm @ Calvin Presbyterian Church

This evening will feature motets, masses, and sonatas by the brilliant Isabella Leonarda (1620–1704), whose 400th anniversary year in 2020 was unjustly clouded by the pandemic. Leonarda entered an Ursuline convent at age 16, where she spent the rest of her life. Despite holding various positions of authority in the convent, she became one of the most prolific composers of her time, publishing around 200 works. Unlike other women musicians of the 17th century, whose careers flourished in their youths, Leonarda seems to have flourished in her later life: most of her works were published when she was between the ages of 50 and 80.

"The Kapellmeister of Dresden" (Kaffeemusik)
in collaboration with SchützFest 350
Sunday, November 13 @ 3:30 pm, at Church of the Redeemer (map).
Featuring Peter Tiefenbach, actor

More than half a century after the TCC’s first performances of the music of Heinrich Schütz, the choir is proud to partner with SchützFest350 in presenting a new Kaffeemusik that takes a bird’s-eye view of Schütz’s life and career. We’re especially pleased to announce that, by special arrangement, the Kapellmeister himself will be making a special appearance! The elderly Schütz will regale us with tales from his long and storied life while the TCC sings works from across his vast oeuvre, from the Italian madrigals of his student days in Venice to profound unpublished works from his final years.

"Praetorius Christmas Vespers" in collaboration with the Toronto Consort
Friday, December 9 @ 8:00 pm, Saturday, December 10 @ 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm, at Jeanne Lamon Hall, Trinity-St. Paul's Centre.

Inspired by hearing Schütz’s Italian-influenced music in Dresden, Michael Praetorius went on to compose more than a thousand chorale settings in both simple and polychoral Venetian styles. He also spread encyclopedic knowledge of then-current musical practices and instruments through his multi-volume Syntagma musicum. This delightful holiday concert, conducted by former TCC director David Fallis, features all the musical elements of a Christmas Day vespers service as it would have been heard in Praetorius’s church. The TCC is proud to play the role of the singing German congregation!

"The Return of Rosenmüller"
Sunday, March 5, 2023 @ 7:00 pm, at Calvin Presbyterian Church

On March 13, 2020,  just hours before the dress rehearsal, the TCC made the heart-rending decision to cancel one of the most ambitious programs we’ve ever dared. But the TCC singers have kept their marked scores, and we are thrilled to present this remount! This program showcases the stunning yet little-known choral music of Johann Rosenmüller, who was next in line to become the Leipzig Thomaskantor (the position later held by J.S. Bach) when he was accused of homosexual activities and imprisoned. Rosenmüller somehow escaped his confinement and fled to Venice, where he would stay for two decades. There he found work as a sackbut player at St. Mark’s Basilica, taught at the Ospedale della Pietà (of Vivaldian fame), and composed glorious sacred concertos in the Italian style. Only at the end of his life did he finally dare return to Germany. This program showcases Rosenmüller’s mastery of both Protestant and Catholic sacred music as well as virtuoso instrumental music in the latest Italian style. Featuring a glittering ensemble of strings and sackbuts!


“Tell me, true Love!”  
An Intimate Evening of Song:
Fundraiser in support of the Toronto Chamber Consort
Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 7:00 pm, at Heliconian Hall

The TCC is thrilled to offer this IN-PERSON fundraiser in support of our Toronto Chamber Consort section lead program.

Joining us will be current Consort members Anna Kwiatkowska (soprano) and Nicholas Nicolaidis (tenor), as well as our special guest, alumna Elisabeth Hetherington (soprano), who will be here on holiday from her busy career in the Netherlands. Elisabeth was part of our inaugural Consort in 2014–15.

In the presence of an intimate gathering of music lovers, each of the three will introduce and perform a few of their favourite songs, with TCC Artistic Director Lucas Harris providing accompaniment on lute, theorbo, and early guitar.

No tickets are required, but guests must RSVP at this link and should be prepared to make a donation to support the program in any amount (or already be a TCC donor this season). Drinks and nibbles will be offered in an environment where face masks are optional.

If you cannot attend but would still like to support our Consort program, we’d be grateful if you’d consider making a donation here.


"Musical Vision: A Brief History of Music and Blindness" (Kaffeemusik)
in partnership with Balance for Blind Adults
Sunday, May 7, 2023 @ 3:30 pm, at Calvin Presbyterian Church

Volunteer assistants will be available from 2:30 and the sanctuary doors will open at 3:00. The performance will begin at 3:30 and last about 90 minutes with no intermission.

With Michelle McQuigge, narrator
And guest musicians:
Elizabeth Anderson, organ
Michael Arnowitt, piano
Lucas Harris, conductor, lute & early guitar
Antonie Malette-Chénier, clarsach (celtic harp) and Baroque triple-row harp

From Homer to Stevie Wonder, Western music history is filled with brilliant musicians who were blind or visually impaired. In this new Kaffeemusik, the TCC and friends feature music by these gifted artists who did not let their lack of sight cloud their musical vision. We’re pleased to welcome some special guests, including distinguished Canadian Press journalist Michelle McQuigge. Alongside her guide dog Lucy, Michelle will surprise us with true tales about blind harpers in Ireland and Wales, the blind pianist Maria Theresia von Paradis (for whom Mozart may have written a piano concerto), the charlatan surgeon who botched cataract surgery on both Bach and Handel, Louis Braille’s adaptation of his writing system to music notation, and much more. Featuring a new commission by pianist Michael Arnowitt.

We offer three different formats of the concert program. Simply click on one of the links below for your preferred format:

Formatted booklet with images
Text only version (for screen readers)
Large print version

© 2024 TCC   |   Toronto Chamber Choir | Charitable Registration Number: 11926 6005 RR0001