Toronto Chamber Choir Blog
December 23, 2021
Author: Lucas Harris
A Christmas video from the TCC!

Dear friends,
As I’m writing this, I’m aware that you might be feeling any one of a number of destabilizing emotions about the state of the world. Last year at this time, we were hoping that by now the pandemic would be over! Please know that you aren’t alone — and also that you do have the strength to keep going. We will muddle our way through this together, no matter how long it takes, and we’ll even find some joy along the way.
I hope that this holiday you’ll have time for some self-care, whether that’s in the form of re-reading a favourite book, phoning an old friend you’ve lost touch with, or immersing yourself in that hobby you’ve been neglecting. I also hope that you’ll have some quality time with your family, whether you’re connecting in person or through the ether.
The TCC has been finding its sound again this fall, grateful to be singing together again in spite of shorter rehearsal times during which we sing distanced and masked. We have some great new singers in the group and some gorgeous music to share with you whenever we’re able to perform live again.
In the meantime, we’d like to offer something we managed to informally record for you in the warm acoustic of our new rehearsal space. We decided to follow the old adage: “When the going gets rough, sing something by Bach.” Please take it as a Christmas card from all of us!
Main image: Gerard van Honthorst, "Adoration of the Shepherds" (1622)